Public Data Briefing: 2024 Proposed Amendment Relating to Youthful Individuals
(Last Updated February 12, 2024) The Commission is seeking public comment on proposed amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines. Commission staff prepared a data presentation to inform public comment on a two-part proposed amendment related to youthful individuals. This briefing presents data on the impact of juvenile adjudications on criminal history scoring and sentencing outcomes to help inform public comment.
Related Content:
- Overview Data Briefing - Narrative Video Above (Published January 2024)
- Supplemental Demographics Data (Updated February 2024)
This additional slide provides supplemental data comparing the demographics of the Option 2 group and the similar age comparison group (no juvenile adjudications, at least one criminal history point, and age at sentencing limited to 25 and under).
- Supplemental Demographics Data (Updated February 2024)
- Supplemental Recidivism Data (Published February 2024)
This supplemental slideshow presents recidivism data (specifically the three-year rearrest rates) concerning youthful sentenced individuals. The information presented is based on the Commission's criminal history data as well as FBI RAP Sheet data for a cohort of individuals who were either released from prison or sentenced to probation in 2015. The slides display information about the overall release cohort, as well as for subsets of the cohort who received points for offenses committed prior to age 18 (juvenile adjudications and adult convictions) under §4A1.2(d) for the various proposed options.
- Federal Register Notice
The deadline for public comment is February 22, 2024.