United States Sentencing Commission Economic Crimes Policy Team

United States Sentencing Commission
Economic Crimes Policy Team

Identity Theft Final Report (December 15, 1999) (.PDF)

Executive Summary: Identity Theft Final Report (December 15, 1999) (.PDF)

Report Appendices:

Appendix A: Identify Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 (.PDF)

Appendix B: Title 18 United States Code § 1028 (1999) (.PDF)

Appendix C: List of Statutes Potentially Involving Identification Means (.PDF)

Appendix D: Explanation of Stratified Sampling (.PDF)

Appendix E: Illustrative Tables: Commission Data Sampling (.PDF)

Table 1 - Law Enforcement Agencies
Table 2 - Number and Type of Identification Means
Table 3 - Nature of Misused Identification Means
Table 4 - Fictitious vs. Actual Individuals
Table 5 - Distribution of Primary Sentencing Guidelines
Table 6 - Application of §2F1.1 Specific Offense Characteristics
Table 7 - Criminal History
Table 8 - Sentencing Outcomes
Table 9 - Chapter Three Adjustments

Appendix F: Illustrative Case Summaries (.PDF)

United States Sentencing Commission: