Public Hearing of the U.S. Sentencing Commission
March 14, 1995
Witness List
Dr. Arthur Curry
Francis Kay Meade
Dr. Robert Lantz, Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Renee Patterson
Juanita Hodges, Seekers of Justice, Equality, and Truth
Fredrick D.'Richardson, Society for Equal Justice
Nicole Isom
Patrick L. Brown
Judge Brenda Murray, National Association of Women Judges
Judge Patricia Wald, National Association of Women Judges
Judge Gladys Kessler, National Association of Women Judges
Ambassador Anthony C.E. Quainton, U.S. Department of State
Abraham L. Clott, Federal Public and Community Defenders
Jay Mccloskey, U.S. Department of Justice
Angela Jordan Davis, National Rainbow Coalition
Nkechi Taifa, American Civil Liberties Union, Committee Against the Discriminatory Crack Law
Mary Lou Soller, American Bar Association
James F. Wyatt, III, North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers
Lyle Yurko
Jack J. Tigue, Jr., New York Council of Defense Lawyers
Barry Taylor, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
David Webber, National Association of People with AIDS
Ueffie Massey
Barbara Goodson
Isaac Jaroslawicz, The Aleph Institute
Julie Stewart, Families Against Mandatory Minimums
David Yellen, Hofstra University School of Law
Mary Shilton, International Association of Residential and Community Alternatives
Marvin Miller, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Dr. Nancy Lord, Lawyers for Liberty
Lennice Worth
Robert Kampia, Marijuana Policy Project
Ed Rosenthal, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Peggy Edmundson
Jeff Stewart
David Boaz, Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Reverend Andrew Gunn
Teresa Aviles