(As published in the Federal Register, January 26, 2001)
DATES: Written public comment on the proposed emergency amendments in Part (A) should be received by the Commission not later than February 5, 2001.
Written public comment on the proposed permanent, non-emergency amendments in Part (B), and on the proposed amendments in Part (A) for purposes of promulgating those amendments as permanent, non-emergency amendments, should be received by the Commission not later than March 26, 2001.
The Commission requests that, to the extent practicable, commentators submit written public comment on the proposed permanent, non-emergency amendments not later than March 9, 2001, in order for the Commission to consider that comment before its public hearing scheduled for the March 19-20, 2001 session.
Note that the Commission may, at its February 2001 public meeting, revise the deadline for submission of written public comment to provide for an earlier deadline than the deadline published in this notice. See USSC Rules of Practice and Procedure, Rule 1.2.