Amendment: The Commentary to §1B1.10 captioned “Application Notes” is amended in Note 5 by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” and inserting “Drug Equivalency Tables (currently called Drug Conversion Tables)”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(1), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● 90,000 KG or more of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(2), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 30,000 KG but less than 90,000 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(3), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 10,000 KG but less than 30,000 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(4), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 3,000 KG but less than 10,000 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(5), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 1,000 KG but less than 3,000 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(6), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 700 KG but less than 1,000 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(7), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 400 KG but less than 700 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(8), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 100 KG but less than 400 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(9), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 80 KG but less than 100 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(10), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 60 KG but less than 80 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(11), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 40 KG but less than 60 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(12), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 20 KG but less than 40 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(13), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Flunitrazepam and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 10 KG but less than 20 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(14), as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Schedule IV substances (except Flunitrazepam) and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 5 KG but less than 10 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(15) is amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Schedule IV substances (except Flunitrazepam) and inserting a semicolon, and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 2.5 KG but less than 5 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(16) is amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Schedule V substances and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● At least 1 KG but less than 2.5 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
Section 2D1.1(c)(17) is amended by striking the period at the end of the line referenced to Schedule V substances and inserting a semicolon; and by adding at the end the following:
“ ● Less than 1 KG of Converted Drug Weight.”.
The annotation to §2D1.1(c) captioned “Notes to Drug Quantity Table”, as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by inserting at the end the following new Note (K):
“(K) The term ‘Converted Drug Weight,’ for purposes of this guideline, refers to a nominal reference designation that is used as a conversion factor in the Drug Conversion Tables set forth in the Commentary below, to determine the offense level for controlled substances that are not specifically referenced in the Drug Quantity Table or when combining differing controlled substances.”.
The Commentary to §2D1.1 captioned “Application Notes”, as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended—
in Note 6 by striking “marihuana equivalency” and inserting “converted drug weight”; and by inserting after “the most closely related controlled substance referenced in this guideline.” the following: “See Application Note 8.”;
in the heading of Note 8 by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” and inserting “Drug Conversion Tables”;
in Note 8(A) by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” both places such term appears and inserting “Drug Conversion Tables”; by striking “to convert the quantity of the controlled substance involved in the offense to its equivalent quantity of marihuana” and inserting “to find the converted drug weight of the controlled substance involved in the offense”; by striking “Find the equivalent quantity of marihuana” and inserting “Find the corresponding converted drug weight”; by striking “Use the offense level that corresponds to the equivalent quantity of marihuana” and inserting “Use the offense level that corresponds to the converted drug weight determined above”; by striking “an equivalent quantity of 5 kilograms of marihuana” and inserting “5 kilograms of converted drug weight”; and by striking “the equivalent quantity of marihuana would be 500 kilograms” and inserting “the converted drug weight would be 500 kilograms”;
in Note 8(B) by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” each place such term appears and inserting “Drug Conversion Tables”; by striking “convert each of the drugs to its marihuana equivalent” and inserting “convert each of the drugs to its converted drug weight”; by striking “For certain types of controlled substances, the marihuana equivalencies” and inserting “For certain types of controlled substances, the converted drug weights assigned”; by striking “e.g., the combined equivalent weight of all Schedule V controlled substances shall not exceed 2.49 kilograms of marihuana” and inserting “e.g., the combined converted weight of all Schedule V controlled substances shall not exceed 2.49 kilograms of converted drug weight”; by striking “determine the marihuana equivalency for each schedule separately” and inserting “determine the converted drug weight for each schedule separately”; and by striking “Then add the marihuana equivalencies to determine the combined marihuana equivalency” and inserting “Then add the converted drug weights to determine the combined converted drug weight”;
in Note 8(C)(i) by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears and inserting “of converted drug weight”; and by striking “The total is therefore equivalent to 95 kilograms” and inserting “The total therefore converts to 95 kilograms”;
in Note 8(C)(ii) by striking the following:
“The defendant is convicted of selling 500 grams of marihuana (Level 6) and 10,000 units of diazepam (Level 6). The diazepam, a Schedule IV drug, is equivalent to 625 grams of marihuana. The total, 1.125 kilograms of marihuana, has an offense level of 8 in the Drug Quantity Table.”,
and inserting the following:
“The defendant is convicted of selling 500 grams of marihuana (Level 6) and 10,000 units of diazepam (Level 6). The marihuana converts to 500 grams of converted drug weight. The diazepam, a Schedule IV drug, converts to 625 grams of converted drug weight. The total, 1.125 kilograms of converted drug weight, has an offense level of 8 in the Drug Quantity Table.”;
in Note 8(C)(iii) by striking “is equivalent” both places such term appears and inserting “converts”; by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears and inserting “of converted drug weight”; and by striking “The total is therefore equivalent” and inserting “The total therefore converts”;
in Note 8(C)(iv) by striking “marihuana equivalency” each place such term appears and inserting “converted drug weight”; by striking “76 kilograms of marihuana” and inserting “76 kilograms”; by striking “79.99 kilograms of marihuana” both places such term appears and inserting “79.99 kilograms of converted drug weight”; by striking “equivalent weight” each place such term appears and inserting “converted weight”; by striking “9.99 kilograms of marihuana” and inserting “9.99 kilograms”; and by striking “2.49 kilograms of marihuana” and inserting “2.49 kilograms”;
in Note 8(D)—
in the heading, by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” and inserting “Drug Conversion Tables”;
under the heading relating to Schedule I or II Opiates, by striking the heading as follows:
“Schedule I or II Opiates*”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Schedule I or II Opiates* Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears;
under the heading relating Cocaine and Other Schedule I and II Stimulants (and their immediate precursors), by striking the heading as follows:
“Cocaine and Other Schedule I and II Stimulants (and their immediate precursors)*”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Cocaine and Other Schedule I and II Stimulants
(and their immediate precursors)* Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears;
under the heading relating to Synthetic Cathinones (except Schedule III, IV, and V Substances), by striking the heading as follows:
“Synthetic Cathinones (except Schedule III, IV, and V Substances)*”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Synthetic Cathinones
(except Schedule III, IV, and V Substances)* Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana”;
under the heading relating to LSD, PCP, and Other Schedule I and II Hallucinogens (and their immediate precursors), by striking the heading as follows:
“LSD, PCP, and Other Schedule I and II Hallucinogens (and their immediate precursors)*”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“LSD, PCP, and Other Schedule I and II Hallucinogens
(and their immediate precursors)* Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears;
under the heading relating to Schedule I Marihuana, by striking the heading as follows:
“Schedule I Marihuana”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Schedule I Marihuana Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears;
under the heading relating to Synthetic Cannabinoids (except Schedule III, IV, and V Substances), by striking the heading as follows:
Synthetic Cannabinoids (except Schedule III, IV, and V Substances)*”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Synthetic Cannabinoids
(except Schedule III, IV, and V Substances)* Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana”;
under the heading relating to Flunitrazepam, by striking the heading as follows:
and inserting the following new heading:
“Flunitrazepam** Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana”;
under the heading relating to Schedule I or II Depressants (except gamma-hydroxybutyric acid), by striking the heading as follows:
“Schedule I or II Depressants (except gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Schedule I or II Depressants
(except gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana”;
under the heading relating to Gamma-hydroxybutyric Acid, by striking the heading as follows:
“Gamma-hydroxybutyric Acid”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Gamma-hydroxybutyric Acid Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana”;
under the heading relating to Schedule III Substances (except ketamine), by striking the heading as follows:
“Schedule III Substances (except ketamine)***”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Schedule III Substances (except ketamine)*** Converted Drug Weight”;
by striking “1 gm of marihuana” and inserting “1 gm”; by striking “equivalent weight” and inserting “converted weight”; and by striking “79.99 kilograms of marihuana” and inserting “79.99 kilograms of converted drug weight”;
under the heading relating to Ketamine, by striking the heading as follows:
and inserting the following new heading:
“Ketamine Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “of marihuana”;
under the heading relating to Schedule IV Substances (except flunitrazepam), by striking the heading as follows:
“Schedule IV Substances (except flunitrazepam)*****”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Schedule IV Substances (except flunitrazepam)**** Converted Drug Weight”;
by striking “0.0625 gm of marihuana” and inserting “0.0625 gm”; and by striking “*****Provided, that the combined equivalent weight of all Schedule IV (except flunitrazepam) and V substances shall not exceed 9.99 kilograms of marihuana.” and inserting “****Provided, that the combined converted weight of all Schedule IV (except flunitrazepam) and V substances shall not exceed 9.99 kilograms of converted drug weight.”;
under the heading relating to Schedule V Substances, by striking the heading as follows:
“Schedule V Substances******”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Schedule V Substances***** Converted Drug Weight”;
by striking “0.00625 gm of marihuana” and inserting “0.00625 gm”; and by striking “******Provided, that the combined equivalent weight of Schedule V substances shall not exceed 2.49 kilograms of marihuana.” and inserting “*****Provided, that the combined converted weight of Schedule V substances shall not exceed 2.49 kilograms of converted drug weight.”;
under the heading relating to List I Chemicals (relating to the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine), by striking the heading as follows:
“List I Chemicals (relating to the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine)*******”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“List I Chemicals (relating to the manufacture
of amphetamine or methamphetamine)****** Converted Drug Weight”;
by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears; and by striking “*******Provided, that in a case involving” and inserting “******Provided, that in a case involving”;
under the heading relating to Date Rape Drugs (except flunitrazepam, GHB, or ketamine), by striking the heading as follows:
“Date Rape Drugs (except flunitrazepam, GHB, or ketamine)”,
and inserting the following new heading:
“Date Rape Drugs
(except flunitrazepam, GHB, or ketamine) Converted Drug Weight”;
and by striking “marihuana” both places such term appears;
and in the text before the heading relating to Measurement Conversion Table, by striking “To facilitate conversions to drug equivalencies” and inserting “To facilitate conversions to converted drug weight”;
in Note 27(D) by striking “marihuana equivalencies” both places such term appears and inserting “converted drug weights”; by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” and inserting “Drug Conversion Tables”; and by striking “marihuana equivalency” and inserting “converted drug weight”;
and in Note 27(E)(ii) by striking “marihuana equivalency” and inserting “converted drug weight”.
The Commentary to §2D1.1 captioned “Background”, as amended by Amendment 807, is further amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
“The Drug Conversion Tables set forth in Application Note 8 were previously called the Drug Equivalency Tables. In the original 1987 Guidelines Manual, the Drug Equivalency Tables provided four conversion factors (or ‘equivalents’) for determining the base offense level in cases involving either a controlled substance not referenced in the Drug Quantity Table or multiple controlled substances: heroin, cocaine, PCP, and marihuana. In 1991, the Commission amended the Drug Equivalency Tables to provide for one substance, marihuana, as the single conversion factor in §2D1.1. See USSG App. C, Amendment 396 (effective November 1, 1991). In 2018, the Commission amended §2D1.1 to replace marihuana as the conversion factor with the new term ‘converted drug weight’ and to change the title of the Drug Equivalency Tables to the ‘Drug Conversion Tables.’”.
The Commentary to §2D1.11 captioned “Application Notes” is amended in Note 9 by striking “Drug Equivalency Table” and inserting “Drug Conversion Table”.
The Concluding Commentary to Part D of Chapter Three is amended in Example 2 by striking “marihuana equivalents” and inserting “converted drug weight”; by striking “Drug Equivalency Tables” and inserting “Drug Conversion Tables”; and by striking “of marihuana” each place such term appears and inserting “of converted drug weight”.
Reason for Amendment: This amendment makes technical changes to §2D1.1 (Unlawful Manufacturing, Importing, Exporting, or Trafficking (Including Possession with Intent to Commit These Offenses); Attempt or Conspiracy). It replaces the term “marihuana equivalency,” which is used in the Drug Equivalency Tables for determining penalties for controlled substances that are not specifically referenced in the Drug Quantity Table or when combining differing controlled substances, with the term “converted drug weight.”
The Commission received comment expressing concern that the term “marihuana equivalency” is misleading and results in confusion for individuals not fully versed in the guidelines. Some commenters suggested that the Commission should replace “marihuana equivalency” with another term.
Specifically, the amendment adds the new term “converted drug weight” to all provisions of the Drug Quantity Table at §2D1.1(c) and changes the title of the “Drug Equivalency Tables” to “Drug Conversion Tables.” In addition, the amendment makes technical changes throughout the Guidelines Manual to account for the new term.
This amendment is not intended as a substantive change in policy for §2D1.1.
Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 2018.