Amendment: The Commentary to §1B1.8 captioned “Application Notes” is amended in Note 3 by striking “(Inadmissibility of Pleas” and inserting “Pleas”.
The Commentary to §2M3.1 captioned “Application Notes” is amended in Note 1 by striking “12958” and inserting “13526”.
The Commentary to §8B2.1 captioned “Background” is amended by striking “805(a)(2)(5)” and inserting “805(a)(5)”.
The Commentary to §8D1.2 captioned “Application Note” is amended in Note 1 by striking “3561(b)” and inserting “3561(c)”.
Reason for Amendment: This amendment makes certain technical changes to Commentary in the Guidelines Manual. The changes amend—
(1) Application Note 3 to §1B1.8 (Use of Certain Information) to reflect a change to the heading of Rule 410 of the Federal Rules of Evidence;
(2) Application Note 1 to §2M3.1 (Gathering or Transmitting National Defense Information to Aid a Foreign Government) to ensure that the Executive Order to which it refers is the most recent Executive Order; and
(3) the Background Commentary to §8B2.1 (Effective Compliance and Ethics Program) and Application Note 1 to §8D1.2 (Term of Probation ― Organizations) to correct typographical errors in citations to certain statutes.
Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 2013.