Amendment: The Commentary to §2K2.4 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by redesignating Notes 3 and 4 as Notes 4 and 5, respectively; and by inserting after Note 2 the following:
"3. Do not apply Chapter Three (Adjustments) and Chapter Four (Criminal History and Criminal Livelihood) to any offense sentenced under this guideline. Such offenses are excluded from application of these chapters because the guideline sentence for each offense is determined only by the relevant statute. See §§3D1.1 (Procedure for Determining Offense Level on Multiple Counts) and 5G1.2 (Sentencing on Multiple Counts of Conviction).".
The Commentary to §4B1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 1 by striking "Possessing a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence" and all that follows through the end of the first sentence and inserting the following:
"A prior conviction for violating 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) or § 929(a) is a ‘prior felony conviction’ for purposes of applying §4B1.1 (Career Offender) if the prior offense of conviction established that the underlying offense was a ‘crime of violence’ or ‘controlled substance offense.’".
The Commentary to §4B1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by redesignating Notes 2 and 3 as Notes 3 and 4, respectively; and by inserting after Note 1 the following:
"2. The guideline sentence for a conviction under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) or § 929(a) is determined only by the statute and is imposed independently of any other sentence. See §§2K2.4 (Use of Firearm, Armor-Piercing Ammunition, or Explosive During or in Relation to Certain Crimes), 3D1.1 (Procedure for Determining Offense Level on Multiple Counts), and subsection (a) of §5G1.2 (Sentencing on Multiple Counts of Conviction). Accordingly, do not apply this guideline if the only offense of conviction is for violating 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) or § 929(a). For provisions pertaining to an upward departure from the guideline sentence for a conviction under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) or § 929(a), see Application Note 1 of §2K2.4.".
Reason for Amendment: This amendment revises §§2K2.4 (Use of Firearm, Armor-Piercing Ammunition, or Explosive During or in Relation to Certain Crimes) and 4B1.2 (Definitions of Terms Used in Section 4B1.1) to clarify guideline application for offenders convicted under 18 U.S.C. §§ 924(c) and 929(a) who might also qualify as career offenders under the rules and definitions provided in §§4B1.1 (Career Offender) and 4B1.2. This amendment preserves the status quo as it existed prior to the statutory changes to 18 U.S.C. § 924(c), made by the Act to Throttle the Criminal Use of Guns, Pub. L. 105–386, that established a statutory maximum of life for all violations of the statute.
This amendment adds a new Application Note 3 to §2K2.4 directing courts not to apply Chapter Three (Adjustments) or Chapter Four (Criminal History and Criminal Livelihood) to any offense sentenced under §2K2.4. This effectively prohibits the use of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) convictions either to trigger application of the career offender guideline, §4B1.1, or to determine the appropriate offense level under that guideline. Application Note 1 of §4B1.2 also is amended to clarify, however, that prior convictions for violating 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) will continue to qualify as "prior felony convictions" under the career offender guideline in most circumstances.
Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 2000.