Amendment: Section 2J1.3 is amended in the caption by inserting "or Subornation of Perjury" immediately following "Perjury".
Section 2J1.3(b)(1) is amended by deleting "defendant suborned perjury by" and inserting in lieu thereof "offense involved", and by deleting "or property" and inserting in lieu thereof ", or property damage, in order to suborn perjury".
Section 2J1.3(b)(2) is amended by deleting "defendant’s" immediately following "If the", and by deleting "substantially interfered" and inserting in lieu thereof "resulted in substantial interference".
Section 2J1.3(c)(1) is amended by deleting "conduct was perjury" and inserting in lieu thereof "offense involved perjury or subornation of perjury", and by deleting "such" and inserting in lieu thereof "that".
The Commentary to §2J1.3 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 1 by deleting "‘Substantially interfered" and inserting in lieu thereof "‘Substantial interference", and by deleting "offense conduct resulting in" immediately before "a premature".
Reason for Amendment: The purposes of this amendment are to clarify the guideline and to ensure that subornation of perjury is not excluded from subsection (c) due to a lack of parallel wording in the subsections.
Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.