Amendment: Section 2H1.4(a)(2) is amended by deleting "2 plus" and inserting in lieu thereof "6 plus".
The Commentary to §2H1.4 captioned "Application Notes" is amended in Note 1 by deleting "2 plus" and inserting in lieu thereof "6 plus", and by deleting "is defined" and inserting in lieu thereof "means 6 levels above the offense level for any underlying criminal conduct. See the discussion".
The Commentary to §2H1.4 captioned "Background" is amended in the first paragraph by deleting ", except where death results, in which case the maximum term of imprisonment authorized is life imprisonment" and inserting in lieu there of "if no bodily injury results, ten years if bodily injury results, and life imprisonment if death results", by deleting "Given this one-year statutory maximum, a" and inserting in lieu thereof "A", by inserting "one-year" immediately following "near the", and by inserting "or bodily injury" immediately following "resulting in death".
The Commentary to §2H1.4 captioned "Background" is amended by inserting the following sentences at the end of the first paragraph:
"The 6-level increase under subsection (a)(2) reflects the 2-level increase that is applied to other offenses covered in this Part plus a 4-level increase for the commission of the offense under actual or purported legal authority. This 4-level increase is inherent in the base offense level of 10 under subsection (a)(1).".
Reason for Amendment: The purpose of this amendment is to correct an anomaly between the offense level under this section and §2H1.5 when the offense level is determined under subsection (a)(2). Section 2H1.4 is similar to §2H1.5 in that it may or may not involve the use of force. Under §2H1.4, however, the offense must involve the abuse of actual or purported legal authority. The base offense level of 10 used in 2H1.4(a)(1) has a built-in 4-level enhancement (which corresponds to the base offense level of 6 under §2H1.5(a)(1) plus the 4-level increase for a public official). There is an anomaly, however, when the base offense level from (a)(2) is used. In such cases, §2H1.4 results in an offense level that is 4 levels less than §2H1.5 when the offense is committed by a public official. The Commentary to §2H1.4 is also amended to reflect the increase in the maximum authorized sentence from one to ten years in cases involving bodily injury.
Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.