Amendment: Section 2C1.1(b) is amended by deleting "(1)" and "(2)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(A)" and "(B)" respectively; and by deleting "Apply the greater" and inserting in lieu thereof:
"(1) If the offense involved more than one bribe, increase by 2 levels.
(2) (If more than one applies, use the greater):".
The Commentary to §2C1.1 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by deleting the text of Note 6 as follows:
"When multiple counts are involved, each bribe is to be treated as a separate, unrelated offense not subject to §3D1.2(d) or §3D1.3(b). Instead, apply §3D1.4. However, if a defendant makes several payments as part of a single bribe, that is to be treated as a single bribery offense involving the total amount of the bribe.",
and inserting in lieu thereof:
"Related payments that, in essence, constitute a single bribe (e.g., a number of installment payments for a single action) are to be treated as a single bribe, even if charged in separate counts.".
Section 2C1.2(b) is amended by deleting "(1)" and "(2)" and inserting in lieu thereof "(A)" and "(B)" respectively; and by deleting "Apply the greater" and inserting in lieu thereof:
"(1) If the offense involved more than one gratuity, increase by 2 levels.
(2) (If more than one applies, use the greater):".
The Commentary to §2C1.2 captioned "Application Notes" is amended by deleting the text of Note 4 as follows:
"When multiple counts of receiving a gratuity are involved, each count is to be treated as a separate, unrelated offense not subject to §3D1.2(d) or §3D1.3(b). Instead, apply §3D1.4.",
and inserting in lieu thereof:
"Related payments that, in essence, constitute a single gratuity (e.g., separate payments for airfare and hotel for a single vacation trip) are to be treated as a single gratuity, even if charged in separate counts.".
Section 3D1.2(d) is amended in the listing of offense sections in the third paragraph by deleting "§2C1.1,", and in the listing of offense sections in the second paragraph by inserting in order by section number "§§2C1.1, 2C1.2;".
The Introductory Commentary to Chapter Three, Part D, is amended in the fifth paragraph by deleting ", robbery, and bribery" and inserting in lieu thereof "and robbery", and in the seventh paragraph by deleting ", robbery, or bribery" and inserting in lieu thereof "or robbery".
Under the current bribery guideline, there is no enhancement for repeated instances of bribery if the conduct involves the same course of conduct or common scheme or plan and the same victim (as frequently is the case where the government is the victim) because such cases are grouped under §3D1.2(b). In contrast, the fraud and theft guidelines generally provide a 2-level increase in cases of repeated instances under the second prong of the "more than minimal planning" definition.
Unlike the theft and fraud guidelines, it is arguable that the value of any bribe that was part of the same course of conduct or a common scheme or plan as the offense of conviction, but not included in the count of conviction, is excluded from consideration. This is because §1B1.3(a)(2), which authorizes consideration of conduct not expressly included in the offense of conviction but part of the same course of conduct or common scheme or plan, applies only to offenses grouped under §3D1.2(d). Thus, if the defendant pleads to one count of a bribery offense involving one $10,000 bribe in satisfaction of a 15 count indictment involving an additional $80,000 in separate bribes that were part of the same course of conduct, the current bribery guideline, unlike the theft and fraud guidelines, would not take into account the additional $80,000, and there would be no increase for repeated instances.
The current guideline may also create various anomalies because the multiple count rule (which applies only where the offenses are not grouped under §3D1.2(b)) increases the offense level differently than the monetary table. For example, an elected public official who takes three unrelated $200 bribes has an offense level of 21; the same defendant who took two unrelated $500,000 bribes would have an offense level of 20.
Reason for Amendment: The purpose of this amendment is to address the above noted issues. A specific offense characteristic is added to provide a 2-level increase where the offense involved more than one bribe or gratuity. In addition, such offenses will be grouped under §3D1.2(d) which allows for aggregation of the amount of the bribes from the same course of conduct or common scheme or plan under §1B1.3(a)(2) (as in theft and fraud offenses).
Effective Date: The effective date of this amendment is November 1, 1989.