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Twitter is an online social media platform which allows account holders to post short, 140-character messages (“tweets”). Posts may include text, website links, photos, or video content. The Commission use Twitter to broadcast new and interesting information that will be accessed and read by other Twitter users who have chosen to receive updates from our agency (“followers”). Click on the Twitter logo to visit the Commission's Twitter feed. 



YouTube is an online social media platform which allows users to post, watch, share, and discuss videos. The Commission posts training videos and other recorded webcasts to the Federal Judiciary's YouTube channel. Click on the YouTube logo to visit the Commission's YouTube playlist.


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E-mail subscriptions are handled by a listserve which is an electronic mailing list that uses email to allow for the widespread distribution of information to many Internet users. It is similar to a traditional mailing list - a list of names and addresses - as might be kept by an organization for sending publications to its members or customers. Click on the e-mail logo to subscribe to the listserve.


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