Minutes of the April 19, 1993
United States Sentencing Commission Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 3:40 p.m. by Chairman William W. Wilkins, Jr., in the conference room of the Sentencing Commission. The following Commissioners and staff participated:
William W. Wilkins, Jr., Chairman
Julie E. Carnes, Commissioner
Michael S. Gelacak, Commissioner
A. David Mazzone, Commissioner
Ilene H. Nagel, Commissioner
Henry Gruner, Representative, U.S. Parole Commission
Roger Pauley, Acting Ex Officio Commissioner
Phyllis J. Newton, Staff Director
Paul K. Martin, Deputy Staff Director
John R. Steer, General Counsel
Kent Larsen, Communications Director
Chairman Wilkins introduced Probation Officers Margaret Foster (S.D. OH), Deborah Jasen (D. D.C.), and Al Colores (D. Nev.), all on temporary assignment to the Commission.
Motion made by Commissioner Carnes to adopt the minutes of the January 28, 1993, meeting. Passed unanimously.
Chairman Wilkins stated that the Commission was attempting to find the best vehicle to satisfy the Commission's clearinghouse function as established by statute. Kent Larsen briefed the Commissioners concerning a service provided by the Government Printing Office whereby the GPO provides any document the Commission submits to 50 regional depository libraries. Staff Director Newton will draft a memorandum outlining the procedures associated with this service, including internal control mechanisms.
Staff Director Newton reported that Commission staff have drafted a research brochure. The draft will be distributed to Commissioners prior to printing.
Deputy Staff Director Martin mentioned that the Commission published in the Federal Register a March 15, 1993, deadline for those witnesses wishing to testify at the public hearing.
Chairman Wilkins announced that the Commission would hold a public hearing at the Ceremonial Courthouse on March 22, 1993, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman Wilkins also announced that Commission meetings would be held on March 23, April 6, and 20, 1993.
Deputy Staff Director Martin announced that the Federal Judicial Center has tentatively planned a sentencing institute for judges of the First and Tenth Circuits during the month of June. Commissioners expressed concern with a June date and asked Martin to inquire as to flexibility of dates.
Chairman Wilkins adjourned the meeting into executive session at 4:07 p.m.