Requests for Applications; Victims Advisory Group
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In view of upcoming vacancies in the membership of the Victims Advisory Group, the United States Sentencing Commission hereby invites any individual who has knowledge, expertise, or experience in federal crime victimization to apply to be appointed to the advisory group. An applicant for membership in the Victims Advisory Group should apply by sending a letter of interest and resume to the Commission as indicated in the addresses section below. Application materials should be received by the Commission not later than October 31, 2018.
DATES: Application materials for membership in the Victims Advisory Group should be received not later than October 31, 2018.
ADDRESSES: An applicant for membership in the Victims Advisory Group should apply by sending a letter of interest and resume to the Commission by electronic mail or regular mail. The email address is pubaffairs@ussc.gov. The regular mail address is United States Sentencing Commission, One Columbus Circle, NE, Suite 2-500, South Lobby, Washington, DC 20002-8002, Attention: Public Affairs – VAG Membership.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christine Leonard, Director, Office of Legislative and Public Affairs, (202) 502-4500, pubaffairs@ussc.gov. More information about the Victims Advisory Group is available on the Commission’s website at www.ussc.gov/advisory-groups.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Victims Advisory Group is a standing advisory group of the United States Sentencing Commission pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 995 and Rule 5.4 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. Under the charter for the advisory group, the purpose of the advisory group is (1) to assist the Commission in carrying out its statutory responsibilities under 28 U.S.C. § 994(o); (2) to provide to the Commission its views on the Commission’s activities and work, including proposed priorities and amendments, as they relate to victims of crime; (3) to disseminate information regarding sentencing issues to organizations represented by the Victims Advisory Group and to other victims of crime and victims advocacy groups, as appropriate; and (4) to perform any other functions related to victims of crime as the Commission requests. The advisory group consists of not more than nine members, each of whom may serve not more than two consecutive three-year terms. Each member is appointed by the Commission.
The Commission invites any individual who has knowledge, expertise, or experience in federal crime victimization to apply to be appointed to the Victims Advisory Group by sending a letter of interest and a resume to the Commission as indicated in the ADDRESSES section above.
AUTHORITY: 28 U.S.C. § 994(a), (o), (p), § 995; USSC Rules of Practice and Procedure 5.4.
William H. Pryor Jr.,
Acting Chair